
8 Reasons to Choose Interactive Content Design Over Static Content

February 8, 2023
June 12, 2019

Ninety-eight percent of consumers are more likely to purchase after an experience with a company—how are you leveraging your content to maximize your business’ value?

Sales, marketing, and HR teams are discovering that though static images, PDFs, and presentations might inform their customers or employees, they don’t create unique experiences that come with interaction.

So why does an interactive content design make consumers more likely to buy? How can it help your employees feel more engaged?

We dove into the research to look at why interactive content creates powerful experiences and how you can incorporate interactivity into your content strategy.

1. Helps Retain Information

When speakers and listeners connect over a story, it has been found that neurons in the listener’s brain begin to anticipate action in the story and experience it as if it were a live event. This process engages more neurons in the brain to significantly improve retention of information.

When this process goes both ways, conversation is at its most successful as neurons sync and experience “coupling.” Interactive content utilizes this process to create a similar effect in a content experience. Your brain is more active and capable of absorbing information.

2. Provides Opportunities for Engagement

When it comes to static vs. interactive content, interactive is much more interesting and popular. In 2013, an interactive quiz shared by the New York Times in December became their most popular piece of content of the entire year.

The ever popular Buzzfeed quizzes shared across social media also serve as an example of how much we love interaction (96% of users who start Buzzfeed quizzes finish them).

When platforms famous for their articles see interaction outperform static text by such margins, it underscores how much more we engage with content we can participate in.

In addition to quizzes, here are other types of interactive content your team can create to elevate your brand, culture, and engagement:

  • Surveys and polls 
  • Interactive infographics 
  • Interactive ebooks or lookbooks
  • Calculator tools 
  • Augmented reality overlays 
  • Interactive 360 videos
  • Webinars

3. Captures Lead Information

Data is crucial in finding ways to enhance your business. But we understand getting consumers to share their information is easier said than done.

A great and easy way to collect consumer information is by providing them with an enticing incentive—interactive content. When you provide interactive content that engages, not only does it provide a positive user experience, but it also builds trust.

The information you receive from your content can help your team find ways to better serve your leads and customers. It also gives your employees a chance to dive into some creative projects! So use quizzes, assessments, surveys, and more to get to know your audience, refine your buyer personas, and close gaps in your sales funnel.

4. Helps Explain Complex Information

Your customers and employees don’t want to read an article or sit through a boring presentation filled with text and numbers. You need to supplement them with compelling interactive content designs.

Ninety-three percent of marketers believe interactive content is effective in educating leads. Interactive content is the best way to help prospects become knowledgeable about your brand. The more they know, the more they can make informed decisions.

For example, if you’re a solar panel business, instead of just providing an article on costs, you may want to offer a calculator tool (online calculators are “most effective in the Consideration Stage of the sales cycle”) that allows your site visitors to receive a cost estimate. This gives them a chance to interact with your business; more importantly, it provides them with valuable knowledge.

The same goes for your employees—training them with interactive content can help them learn faster and confidently carry out effective strategies to your leads. If you’re a marketing agency, consider building out an infographic that takes employees through your sales process. Take this up a notch by offering virtual interactive experience examples that help your sales team fine-tune their pitching skills.

5. Creates a More Personal Experience

Nowadays, with the copious information available on the web, consumers are pickier and smarter. The only way to win their affection is by creating personalized content.

Interactive designs are a great way to launch a customized lead-nurturing campaign. Personality assessments and polls give your audience the chance to take an active role in the buying process. Once they provide their information, you can use this data to curate unique sets of content to share with them.

You can use this same concept with your employees. The more interactive resources they’re given, the more innovative and successful they’ll be in their roles.

Try to implement some interactive content ideas into your on-boarding process. This creates an active dialogue between you and your new hires. And who knows? It might just help boost engagement and retention.

6. Boosts Social Media Shares

In this digital age where everyone is constantly scrolling through their social homepages, being inundated with information, you need to stand out. How? You guessed it—Interactive content.


For 88% of marketers, interactive content is effective in setting their brand apart from their competition. Not to mention, interactive visual content (online quizzes, GIFs, etc.) is 40 times more likely to be shared socially than static content.

The best of all? The more consumers share your interactive content, the more brand awareness and trust you’ll receive from current and prospective customers. Eighty-seven percent of marketers believe interactive content design grabs people’s attention and gets them invested in your brand.

So take a look at your interactive content—can any of it be repurposed for your social channels?

7. Increases Conversions

If your customers are excited by the experience, statistics show they have more positive perceptions, recognition, and loyalty toward your brand. Research finds that:  

  • 74% of “consumers have a more positive perception of a brand” after an experience.
  • 77% have chosen, recommended, or paid more for brands that provide personalized experiences.
  • 86% see little to no difference in companies, but will pay more for the brand with the best experience.

8. Produces Repeat Customers

Your sales journey should never end with a single conversion—that’s just the beginning. It should continuously nurture customer relationships with the goal of achieving brand loyalty.

The good news is, 77% of marketers believe interactive content generates “repeat visitors and multiple exposures.” As we discussed earlier, interactive content helps secure emotional bonds necessary to achieve lasting results.

If your team has been producing multiple quizzes, consider taking this a step further by offering discount codes upon completion of these quizzes. Maybe if they score above an 80%, you can offer a discount of 20%. And if they score below that, you can offer a 10% discount.

Create Engaging Experiences with Tiled

The opportunities are endless with interactive content design, but we understand it can be pretty daunting if you’re just starting out. This is where Tiled comes in.

To learn more about creating interactive content experiences and how microapps can help, request a personalized demo from us today. One of our Tiled team members will be happy to walk you through our product and help you create unique, interactive experiences.

Interactive Content
Interactive Experience
Content Experience