
How Good Design Can Improve Your Content Strategy

February 8, 2023
Matt Simpson
October 10, 2019

Ambiguous content strategy leads brands into the internet abyss. Unnoticed and forgotten. That’s why when it comes to content design, careful planning must be adhered to for desired results — and the number one result is being recognized.

The most cinematic, memorable, stories are visual and emotional. Avatar, Titanic, Interstellar remained with us long after the experience of the film left us. After all, humans are visual creatures that feel and are often moved more by what they see, not what they hear. That’s is why it so important when it comes to design for a brand; it should create a memorable story that leaves a lasting impression. The connection on a visual and emotional level is essential, but the Design, like a good story, needs to be engaging, but easy to follow.

Lights. Camera. Design!

Good Design is vital to be seen in a world in which thousands of pieces of content are generated every day, and the competition to stand out and be noticed is fierce. A study done on the consumer has proven that most consumers are more inclined to purchase an experience.

Whereas great filmmaking marries visuals, sounds, writing, and music, the content design must marry color and imagery; layout, writing, UX, and accessibility together seamlessly, which are vital components to design that improve content strategy.

Small Things, Big Outcomes

Little things such as color palettes should be weighed and heavily considered. Color alone can have a significant impact on Design. Microsoft, in its logo, uses four colorful boxes ( Red, Green, Blue, Yellow) that aren’t just randomly selected, but carefully implemented to reflect its core values.

  • Red equals excitement
  • Green equals growth
  • Yellow equals optimism
  • Blue equals trust

When considering color design, it’s not what you like; it’s what an audience will respond to and perceive a brand to be.

Content Delivery, Design Engages.

Content is the driving source to a brand, but it’s Design that enhances and keeps someone interested. A well-done UX design fulfills users’ needs and helps the user navigate to content that takes them on a journey that is easy to follow and keeps visitors interested and more engaged in a brand. The ability to immerse a reader/viewer in an experience keeps them engaged with your content longer and makes it more memorable.

Short Span Nation

A study done by Princeton University revealed that it takes only one-tenth of a second to form an impression of a stranger from their face and that longer exposures don’t significantly alter those impressions and that attractive people get better outcomes. If humans can pass such judgment on other humans, how easy is it for brand design and content to simply go unnoticed if the content design doesn’t grab attention right away.

Simple keys to consider in the design process to make that Design the attractive face:

  • Aesthetically pleasing
  • Simple language
  • Easy UX experience that is functional

By keeping these three principals in mind, you will eliminate clutter and ambiguous experience and allow for a clear message. A clear, memorable message.

Sharing Is No Longer Just For Caring

Brands can live and die on “likes” and “shares. It’s been reported that the average American can be exposed to over 5000 brands per day, and only a few leave any sort of an impression.  

Making sure to spend time on a content design that is unique and memorable can increase content marketing efforts and leave a lasting impression. Great Design not only leaves an impression but increases brand awareness.

Create a design, a story that people talk about, one that immerses them in an experience and you have a much better chance at brand building, awareness and loyalty.

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Presentation Design
Matt Simpson
Creative Director at Bridger Creative and Co-Founder at Tiled