
Here’s How to Make Your Next Interactive Presentation the Best One Ever

February 8, 2023
Ty Nilsson
November 18, 2021

No one wants to sit through a lengthy, boring, or predictable presentation, even on an interesting subject. That’s why we’re changing how presenters, content marketers, and storytellers engage, excite, and retain their audiences. Even mundane topics can be a good time!

But engaging virtual presentations need the right tools. Want to include videos, audio, animation, quizzes, and more? With Tiled, your presentations can go from static to dynamic. Here are nine tips on how to do it.

1. Allow Your Audience To Choose Their Next Step

Incorporate an interactive menu that allows the audience to choose the order and flow of your presentation. Using hotspots, which is what Tiled calls links, your audience can move about your content experience as they choose. For example, if you’re presenting about solar panels, you can include a list of panel types, installation options, and corresponding benefits or customer testimonials that your audience can navigate through in the way that best serves their needs.

2. Videos Say A Thousand Words

Videos are another great way to make a presentation engaging, virtually transporting your audience into your content. Imagine real estate presentations that include video tours of your properties, for instance.

3. Add Audio

Incorporate audio into your content to bring a variety of subjects to life. For example, you could use audio to share customer testimonials or product instructions. And keep accessibility in mind by incorporating audio scripts for visually-impaired members of your audience.

4. Use Dynamic Charts and Graphs

When you’re using charts and graphs, dynamic elements help your audience dive into critical data. Selecting a slice of a pie chart to display additional detail, highlight trends, or provide more context is an effective way to show the details that matter. Don’t just present — tell a story.

5. Incorporate Zoom and Scroll Options

You can also give users the ability to zoom in and scroll on individual slides. See how SkullCandy does it: During their self-guided presentation, customers can zoom in on an image of the headphones to highlight its features.

6. Make Transitions Functional

Thanks to touch-enabled smart devices, interacting with content through haptics has become normal. Take advantage of this instinct and enable thoughtful, smooth transitions from one idea or concept to the next.

7. Include a Quiz or Survey

Many presentations are created to train employees. Including a quiz at the end of the presentation (or after each section) to find out how well employees understand the information. In a Tiled microapp, you can incorporate a quiz right in your sales playbook and gather data on how well employees have retained the information.

8. Inspire Action

Make it easy to take the next step by concluding your presentation with a call to action. Invite your audience to place an order, join a mailing list, or submit contact information. Take advantage of this feature in a variety of situations, such as gathering information for contacting potential customers during an event.

9. Include a Feedback Form

No need to wait for feedback from your employees or audience members. Quickly and easily determine how well the presentation went and discover new ways to improve in the future with a feedback form in your microapp, like the contact form in this one.

Improve Interaction With Tiled

Learn how to make virtual presentations interactive with presentation software and easy-to-use templates from Tiled. Simply insert your content into the placeholder spots on the template to end up with impressive and interactive slides every time.

Discover even more creative ways to make a presentation interactive with hotspots and other innovative tools, then share your final product with your whole team. Contact us to request a demo today.

Interactive Content
Presentation Design
Interactive Experience
Sales and Marketing
Ty Nilsson
Sr. Director of Demand Generation at Tiled